Working Principle:
The GCTS USTX-050 Pneumatic Cyclic Unsaturated Triaxial System is ideal for performing conventional triaxial tests, specifically, Strength (UU, CU and CD), Consolidation and Permeability tests on a sample (viz., soils), at high confining pressures (2 MPa). The setup is also equipped with a volume change measurement device, porous stones and flushing units, which can facilitate experimentation in unsaturated state of the soil.
The Unsaturated measurements work on the principle of Axis translation technique, i.e. elevating pore-air pressure while maintaining pore-water pressure at a reference value (or vice-versa) through the pores of a saturated high air-entry (HAE) material, thus affording direct control of matric suction. Drainage from the specimen is allowed to occur through the HAE pores until there is negligible volume change. Several increments of air pressure may be applied to generate required matric suction values.
Technical Specifications:
Special Features:
Publications using data from this facility:
Minutes of User Committee meetings:
Central Facility Workshop Presentation:
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission
The sample should be prepared as per the dimensional specifications mentioned above. The mold required for sample preparation can be availed.
2. Instructions for Users
The equipment operation will be allowed only for professionals with prior experience or those who have received enough training to work with this equipment.
3. Instructions for Registration
Prior permission has to be taken from the In-charge of the equipment. The number of samples that can be submitted through each registration is restricted to one. The mode of operation (viz., frequency in dynamic testing, stages of loading in consolidation test, etc.) and the parameters that have to be recorded have to be mentioned clearly in the registration/requisition form.
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
National R & D Lab’s: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – GCTS USTX-050 Pneumatic Cyclic Unsaturated Triaxial System Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”.
The information on such acknowledgements with appropriate reference should be communicated to Environmental Geotechnology lab by e-mail. Kindly send the complete publication reference (Journal name/volume number/names of the authors/date of issue of the publication etc.).
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
******Facility Management Team**********
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Dr. D. N. Singh
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076
Contact Details:
Phone: 022-25764317
Location of the Equipment:
Environmental Geotechnology Lab
IVth Floor VMCC
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Bombay, Powai,
Working Principle:
3D stereo PIV measurements are based on the same fundamental principles as human eyesight; i.e. stereovision. "When we look at given object, our left and right eyes see two similar but not identical images. The brain compares the two images and interpret the slight variations to re-build the 3-dimensional information of the object observed." Similarly, a Dantec Dynamics Stereo-PIV system measures particles displacements using two CCD- / CMOS- cameras:
Technical Specifications:
Laser Source (with intra-cavity safety shutter) with light sheet formation optics:
Two Charged Couple Device (CCD)-cameras with frame grabbers (FlowSense EO 4M)
Calibration Target
iv. 3D Traversing Mechanism
v. Software: Dynamic Studio 2015a (supplied with Dantec PIV, works only with registered Dantec dongle)
Special Features:Applications:
PIV finds applications in various fields, viz, Aerodynamics & Aeroacoustics, Automotive, Biomedical Engineering, Combustion, Electronic components, Hydrodynamics & Hydraulics, Materials Research, Mechanical Engineering, Micro-fluidics, Mixing, Process & Chemical Engineering, Sprays, Thermal Comfort and Wind Engineering.
5.Publications using data from this facility This facility is just operational. Hence no publication.
6. Minutes of User Committee meetings NA
7. Central Facility Workshop Presentation NA
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission
2. Instructions for Users
3. Instructions for Registration
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
National R & D Lab’s: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – Dantec3D Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”.
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
******Facility Management Team**********
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Prof. Eldho T.I.,
Institute Chair Professor,
Dept. Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Contact Details: email, phone,
fax:; phone; 7339
Location of the Equipment: Hydraulics Laboratory, IIT Bombay
1. Working Principle:
A Rheometer measures flow. More specifically, rheometers measure the forces (like shear) associated with a flowing substance. Typically, the flowing substance is much thicker than a liquid (like concrete). A rheometer does not simply measure flow, but also measures the effects of flow at different pressures-especially key characteristics of the flow like shear (how difficult it is to change the flow) or how the flow of a substance tends to drag surrounding materials. The output of a rheometer is typically a set of curves that depict these forces as the pressure on the flowing material changes. Rheometers are almost as varied as the substances and forces that they measure.
2. Technical Specifications:
Technical Data |
MCR 102
EC motor
Maximum torque
Min. torque, rotation
Min. torque, oscillation
Angular deflection
(set value) |
0.5 (min)
Min. angular velocity
Max. angular velocity
Max. speed
Min. angular frequency
Max. angular frequency
Normal force range
Normal force resolution
Max. temperature range
Up to to 100˚ C
Direct strain controller
Direct stress contoller
3. Special Features: capable of measuring the fundamental parameters (Yield stress) of rheology of cementitious paste, clay. Zero shear viscosity determinations on low-viscosity polymer solutions or measure highly viscous fluids/materials at high shear rates and strains,
4. Applications: Cementitious Pastes, clay
5. Publications using data from this facility : NIL
6. Minutes of User Committee meetings : NIL
7. Central Facility Workshop Presentation : NIL
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission: The sample should be prepared at the SEMT Lab, Civil Engg Dept., as per the instruction from the operator.
2. Instructions for Users: Cleaning of the instrument, accessory and measuring cell Pre and Post Measurement is the responsibility of the Applicant. The Operating range (Stress controlled/Strain Controlled) and shearing profile should be designed and fixed by the applicant.
3. Instructions for Registration: Send an email to
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
National R & D Lab’s: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – Rheometer for Cementitious paste Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”.
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
******Facility Management Team**********
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation : Dr. Prakash Nanthagopalan, Asst. Professor
Contact Details: Email
Phone : 02225767323
Location of the Equipment: SEMT LAB ( Structural Evaluation and Materials Testing Lab. )
Part No.
Bundle- CRIO 9082, High performance integrated system, 8-slot, LX150, RT, includes NI 9148 Ethernet Expansion chassis for C Series Modules.
CRIO-9074, Compact RIO controller & chassis integrated system, 400 MHz PowerPC controller, 2M Gate FPGA, 8-slots.
CRIO-9082, High performance integrated system, 8-slot, LX150, RT.
NI 9223, 4-Ch., +/- 10 V, 16-Bit, 1 MS/s, Simultaneous AI C Series Module for CompactDAQ and CompactRIO.
NI 9219 4Ch-Ch isolated, 24-Bit, +/- 60 V, 100S/s Universal AI module.
NI 9972 Strain relief kit for 6-pos spring terminal connector (qty 4)
NI 9237 4-Ch 50 kS/s per Channel, 24-Bit Bridge Analog Input Module.
NI 9949 RJ-50 (female) to Screw Terminal Adaptor (qty 4)
NI 9232 3-Chennel +/- 30 V, 102, 4 kS/s per Channel, 24-Bit IEPE Analog Input Module.
NI 9971 Backshell for 2-pos connector block (qty 4).
EMI Suppression Ferrite for NI 9232 (qty 1).
NI 9269 4-Ch Voltage output, +/-10V,ch-ch ISO
NI 9402 4-Channel, 50ns, LV TTL Digital input/output Module, Ultra high-speed digital I/O module for cRIO and cDAQ, BNC connectivity.
NI 9516 1 Axis Servo Drive Interface w/Dual Encoder Feedback
NI PS-15 Power Supply, 24 VDC, 5 A, 100-120/200-240 VAC Input
Type E1 Twisted-pair (10Base-T) Cable for GPIB-ENET, 5m.
3. Special Features: Wireless-connectivity, Simultaneous Multiple Sensing/actuation, LabVIEW coding flexibility, Portable for field operations, Compact build-up, etc.
4. Applications: Structural Health Monitoring of Sandwich, Metallic and RCC Structures using PZTs, Strain-gauges, Accelerometers, Load-cells, Temperature-sensors, etc.
5. Publications using data from this facility: NA
6. Minutes of User Committee meetings: ….
7. Central Facility Workshop Presentation: ……
*******Submission of Samples****************
3. Instructions for Registration
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
National R & D Lab’s: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – Compact-Rio Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”.
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
Location of the Equipment: Structural Health Monitoring and Retrofitting Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, IIT Bombay.
Working Principle:
The cyclic triaxial testing facility is a hydraulic oil based actuator system and the deviatoric loading on soil and bitumen samples are applied using hydraulic actuator, controlled through computer based software Geo-sys. Testing of samples can be done in stress and/or displacement controlled modes for both static and cyclic tests. Cell and back pressures are applied to samples by using air pressure control (APC: air/water interface). The in-situ stresses (both confining and deviatoric stresses), isotropic and anisotropic conditions on the specimen are simulated in the triaxial cell to study the behavior of soils under external loading. Conventional triaxial tests (UU, CU and CD) and cyclic tests on soil samples can be performed at confining pressures up to 1 MPa. The setup is also equipped with a volume change measurement device, B-value check and auto servo-valve, which will saturate the soil sample without user interference. A computer integrated measurement device is used to monitor the changes in the volume of sample during saturation, consolidation and testing of fully saturated soil samples.
Technical Specifications:
Special Features:
Publications using data from this facility
Minutes of User Committee meetings
Central Facility Workshop Presentation
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission
The sample should be prepared as per the dimensional specifications mentioned above. The mold required for sample preparation can be availed.
2. Instructions for Users
The equipment operation will be allowed only for professionals with prior experience or those who have received enough training to work with this equipment.
3. Instructions for Registration
Prior permission has to be taken from the In-charge of the equipment. The number of samples that can be submitted through each registration is restricted to one. The mode of operation (viz., frequency in dynamic testing, stages of loading in consolidation test, etc.) and the parameters that have to be recorded have to be mentioned clearly in the registration/requisition form.
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution's original letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to avail academic concession.
National R&D Labs: One should come in person, a letter from the Head of the laboratory on the Institution’s original letterhead along with the Registration Form.
Industry& Non-Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the head of the agency along with the Registration Form.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – UL 50-SH Servo-Hydraulic Cyclic Triaxial System Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”.
The information on such acknowledgments with appropriate reference should be communicated to Advanced Geotechnical Engineering laboratory by e-mail. Kindly send the complete publication reference (Journal name/volume number/names of the authors/date of issue of the publication etc.).
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
******Facility Management Team**********
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Dr. Dasaka. S. Murty
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076
Contact Details:
Email ID:
Phone: 022-25767316
Location of the Equipment:
Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Near National Geotechnical Centrifuge facility
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Bombay, Powai,Mumbai-400076
Working Principle:
The wheel tracking test is used for determining the susceptibility of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) to deform under load by measuring the rut depth formed by repeated passes of a loaded wheel at a fixed temperature. The Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device (HWT) tracks a loaded steel and rubber wheel back and forth directly on a HMA sample. Most commonly, a dual wheel is tracked across 230 mm distance over a HMA sample for 20,000 cycles (or until 20 mm of deformation occurs) using a 705 N load. Rut depth is measured continuously with a series of LVDTs on the sample.
Technical Specifications:
Special Features:
Applications :
Laboratory Hamburg wheel-tracking (HWT) devices are used to run simulative tests that measure HMA qualities by rolling a small loaded wheel device repeatedly across a prepared HMA specimen.
Acquired test results of the test specimen is correlated to actual in-service pavement rutting, moisture damage, and stripping performance.
Publications using data from this facility: Nil.
Minutes of User Committee meetings: Nil.
Central Facility Workshop Presentation :
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission
2. Instructions for Users
The equipment operation will be allowed only for professionals with prior experience or those who have received enough training to work with this equipment.
3. Instructions for Registration
Prior permission has to be taken from the In-charge of the equipment. The number of samples that can be submitted through each registration is restricted to one. The mode of operation (viz., frequency in dynamic testing, stages of loading in consolidation test, etc.) and the parameters that have to be recorded have to be mentioned clearly in the registration/requisition form.
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution's original letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to avail academic concession.
National R & D Lab’s: One should come in person, a letter from the Head of the laboratory on the Institution’s original letterhead along with the Registration Form.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the head of the agency along with the Registration Form.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – Hamburg Wheel Tracker Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”. The information on such acknowledgments with appropriate reference should be communicated to Advanced Geotechnical Engineering laboratory by e-mail. Kindly send the complete publication reference (Journal name/volume number/names of the authors/date of issue of the publication etc.).
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
******Facility Management Team**********
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Dr. Dharamveer Singh,
Associate Professor,
Dept. Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Contact Details: email, phone,
fax: ; phone; 022-25767304
Location of the Equipment:
Advanced Pavement Laboratory ( APL),
Ground Floor-East Wing Centre for Urban Science & Engineering (CUSE) Building,
IIT BOMBAY, Powai, Mumbai -400076
Working Principle:
The Superpave Gyratory compactor (SGC) is a fully automatic way, by combining the rotary action and the vertical resultant force applied by a mechanical head. The Compactor comprises a highly rigid steel frame ensuring excellent angle control. Load is applied by an electro-pneumatic cylinder, servo-controlled by a precision pressure regulator. Gyratory motion is generated by an eccentric high precision system allowing an easy set up with precision and constant angle of gyration.
Technical Specifications:
Special Features:
Applications :
This Gyratory Compactor, is used to simulate and reproduce the real compaction conditions under actual road paving operations, hence determining the compaction properties of the asphalt.
The acquired results are also employed in the investigation of volumetric and mechanical characteristics of the asphalt mix.
Publications using data from this facility: Nil.
Minutes of User Committee meetings: Nil.
Central Facility Workshop Presentation :
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission
2. Instructions for Users
The equipment operation will be allowed only for professionals with prior experience or those who have received enough training to work with this equipment.
3. Instructions for Registration
Prior permission has to be taken from the In-charge of the equipment. The number of samples that can be submitted through each registration is restricted to one. The mode of operation (viz., frequency in dynamic testing, stages of loading in consolidation test, etc.) and the parameters that have to be recorded have to be mentioned clearly in the registration/requisition form.
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution's original letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to avail academic concession.
National R & D Lab’s: One should come in person, a letter from the Head of the laboratory on the Institution’s original letterhead along with the Registration Form.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the head of the agency along with the Registration Form.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – UL 50-SH Servo-Hydraulic Cyclic Triaxial System Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”. The information on such acknowledgments with appropriate reference should be communicated to Advanced Geotechnical Engineering laboratory by e-mail. Kindly send the complete publication reference (Journal name/volume number/names of the authors/date of issue of the publication etc.).
The information on such acknowledgments with appropriate reference should be communicated to Advanced Geotechnical Engineering laboratory by e-mail. Kindly send the complete publication reference (Journal name/volume number/names of the authors/date of issue of the publication etc.).
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
******Facility Management Team**********
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Dr. Dharamveer Singh,
Associate Professor,
Dept. Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Contact Details: email, phone,
fax: ; phone; 022-25767304
Location of the Equipment:
Advanced Pavement Laboratory ( APL),
Ground Floor-East Wing Centre for Urban Science & Engineering (CUSE) Building,
IIT BOMBAY, Powai,Mumbai-400076
Working Principle:
Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP, Poremaster) is pore-size measurement technique, which is primarily based on the principle that a non-reactive and non-wetting liquid (mercury) would only penetrate the pores of a matrix (read a specimen) when sufficient pressure is applied. Thus, the pore-size measurement is based on the following relationship, known as Washburn equation, which describes the pressure, P, required to force liquid mercury into the pores of specific diameter, d:
d =- (4∙T∙cosθ)/P
where θ is the contact angle between the mercury and the pore wall and T is the surface tension of mercury.
The volume of mercury intruded into the specimen is monitored by change in the capacitance of the oil in a penetrometer. By measuring the volume of mercury that intrudes into the specimen, as a function of P, the pore-size and pore-volume distributions can be obtained.
Technical Specifications:
Special Features:
Applications :
Publications using data from this facility: Nil.
Minutes of User Committee meetings: Nil.
Central Facility Workshop Presentation :
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for Users
The specimen should be dry and should contain non-deformable pores and the matrix should be strong enough to withstand the applied pressure. The specimen should be prepared as per the dimensional specifications mentioned earlier. As a prerequisite, the density of the specimen and its contact angle with mercury should be known.
The equipment operation will be allowed only for professionals with prior experience or those who have received enough training to work with this equipment. Prior permission has to be taken from the In-charge of the equipment. The number of specimens that can be submitted through each registration is restricted to three. The specimen will be run for a single trail (unless specified by the user).
Warning: As the mercury, or its vapour, has been designated by EPA, and many state agencies, as a hazardous material that could damage the central nervous system, kidney and liver, precaution should be taken while working performing the analysis.
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Dr. D. N. Singh,
Institute Chair Professor,
Dept. Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Contact Details: email, phone,
fax: ; phone; 022-25764317
Location of the Equipment:
Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory
IVth Floor VMCC
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076
Working Principle:
The AMPT is a computer-controlled hydraulic testing machine capable of subjecting a compacted asphalt mixture specimen to cyclic loading over a range of temperatures and frequencies.
Technical Specifications:
Special Features:
Applications :
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission
The sample should be prepared as per the standard dimensional specifications.
2. Instructions for Users
The equipment operation will be allowed only for professionals with prior experience or those who have received enough training to work with this equipment.
3. Instructions for Registration
Prior permission has to be taken from the In-charge of the equipment. The number of samples that can be submitted through each registration is restricted to one. The type of testing and the parameters that have to be recorded need to be mentioned clearly in the registration/requisition form.
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from . The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution's original letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to avail academic concession.
National R & D Lab’s: One should come in person, a letter from the Head of the laboratory on the Institution’s original letterhead along with the Registration Form.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies: One should come in person, a letter from the head of the agency along with the Registration Form.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering): Asphalt Mixture Performance Testing (AMPT) System Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”. The information on such acknowledgments with appropriate reference should be communicated to Prof. In-charge by e-mail. Kindly send the complete publication reference (Journal name/volume number/names of the authors/date of issue of the publication etc.).
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Prof. Dharamveer Singh,
Associate Professor, Dept. Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Contact Details: email, phone,
fax: ; phone: 022-25767304
Location of the Equipment:
Advanced Pavement Laboratory ( APL),
Ground Floor-East Wing Centre for Urban Science & Engineering (CUSE) Building,
IIT BOMBAY, Powai,Mumbai-400076
Working Principle:
The motion capture system provides solutions for tracking motion characteristics of objects in wave tanks. Interaction of models with different wave conditions can be studied in model scale in the wave tank set-up and the performance of the prototypes can be predicted. The wave tank facility at IIT Bombay is of dimension 50mx1mx1m. Qualisys motion capture system can accurately capture the displacement of scale model under wave action with high precision. This system consists of four Oqus cameras overlooking the markers. Active/passive markers are attached to the model and the motion characteristics of the model are tracked using infrared light strobes from the motion capture system. The motion of the object under study can be captured by cameras mounted on tripods along the side of the wave tank. The system has to be calibrated before every set of experiments. The calibration set includes a wand, L-shaped reference structure and a custom carrying case. This system is capable of recording 6DOF data accurately and is capable of handling harsh environment.
Technical Specifications:
Item No. | Description | Qty. |
500500+P | Mocap Camera, Protected - Oqus 500+p, IP67 | 3 |
500510+P | Mocap Camera, Protected - Oqus 510+p, IP67, High Speed Video | 1 |
510118 | Oqus5+ Sun filter, for 12.5mm lens | 4 |
200072 | Mounting Device - Tripod, Manfrotto [161MK2] height 262 cm | 4 |
200074 | Mounting Device - Tripod Head, Manfrotto [MH804-3W] | 4 |
510867 | Sync Device, Protected - Sync/Trig/Sync in Splitter, Oqus, IP67, 15 m | 1 |
510860 | Sync Device - External Trigger, Oqus, 10 m | 1 |
130457 | Calibration kit, Underwater, Carbon fiber 600, OBS! Ø30mm markers | 1 |
160060 | Passive Marker, Underwater - Spherical with Thread, Ø30 mm | 20 |
160061 | Passive Marker, Underwater - Spherical with Thread, Ø19 mm | 20 |
160064 | Passive Marker, Underwater - Retro-reflective Tape, 1000x50 mm | 1 |
160685 | Active Marker, Long Range - Kit 4 Markers | 1 |
150135 | Mocap Software - Qualisys Track Manager, 3D | 1 |
Special Features:
Applications :
*******Submission of Samples****************
1. Instructions for sample preparation/submission - NIL
2. Instructions for Users
3. Instructions for Registration
I) Internal Users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply from . The form should be completely filled up and all the sample details must be provided in the requisition form. Users need to be present at the time of experiment on the allotted appointment date/time. If a user wishes to change his/her time slot, an email should be sent well in advance, requesting change in appointment.
II) External Users:
Academic Institutions: One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
National R & D Lab’s:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
Industry& Non- Government Agencies:One should come in person, a letter from the Guide/HoD on the Institution’s Original Letter Head along with the Registration Form stating that the experiment is for research purpose, to qualify for academic concession is a must.
You are requested to mention in your request letter that “We agree to acknowledge the FIST (Civil Engineering) – Qualisys Motion Capture System Facility of IIT Bombay when the data from this is used in our papers/reports/thesis”.
Testing Charges: As per Institute/ DST norms.
Name of the In-Charge (s) with designation
Prof. Balaji Ramakrishnan,
Dept. Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Contact Details: email, phone,
fax: ; phone: 022-25767321
Location of the Equipment:
Ocean Engineering Laboratory, IIT Bombay