Post Doctoral Fellow
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, India vickysharma0812@gmail.com

01/02/2019 - 31/01/2021

Dr. Vikas has obtained B.Tech in Civil Engineering from IIT-Bombay in year 2013. Later, he worked as a junior research fellow in Environmental Geotecnology Lab at IIT Bombay during which he studied the heat transfer mechanisms through geomaterials. In year 2015, he received MEXT fellowship from Japanese government for pursuing PhD in Kyoto university. As a doctoral student he developed a novel velocity based space-time FEM for seismic analysis of hydraulic structures. In addition, he has been actively involved developing a FEM framwork called Expandable and Scalable Infrastructure for Finite Element Method (EASI-FEM). EASI-FEM will be an effective numerical tool for simulating multiphase/multiphysics problems related to environmental geotechniques. His current research involves experimental and numerical modeling of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) processes during the thermal consolidation of geomaterials and freezing and thawing of frozen soils.