Latex: Equations

Dr. Tom V. Mathew

4 October 2006


Simple able

A simple table is given below.
Column One & Column Two \\\hline
1 & 11 \\
2 & 22 \\
3 & 33 \\\hline

This will produce a table like this:

Column One Column Two
1 11
2 22
3 33

Table environment

The Table 1 shows a simple table. This is produced by the follwing command.

\caption{Simple Table Showing the Layout and Syntax}
Left & Center & Paragraph & Right \\ \hline
1    & 12.3   & This portions is in a paragraph mode.
                We can write long sentences here. & 1234 \\
22   & 17.1   & Again the same & 234 \\
333  & 77.7   & Text & 2  \\\hline
Please note how the caption and lable is given. Also the placement of the table.

Table 1: Simple Table Showing the Layout and Syntax
Left Center Paragraph Right
1 12.3 This portions is in a paragraph mode. We can write long sentences here. 1234
22 17.1 Again the same 234
333 77.7 Text 2

Multi column and cline

The Table 2 shows a table with multi column feature. The code is:
\caption{Table Showing the Multi-Column Layout and cline}

\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Different justification possible}\\ \hline
Left & Center & Paragraph & Right \\ \hline
1    & 12.3   & This portions is in a paragraph mode & 1234 \\
22   & 17.1   & Again the same & 234 \\ \cline{2-3}
333  & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Total value is} & 2  \\\hline

Table 2: Table Showing the Multi-Column Layout and cline
Different justification possible
Left Center Paragraph Right
1 12.3 This portions is in a paragraph mode 1234
22 17.1 Again the same 234
333 Total value is 2

Prof. Tom V. Mathew 2006-10-04