I am looking for PhD Students, Project Research Staffs and Research Interns

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Siddhartha Ghosh

sghosh (at) civil.iitb.ac.in

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076, India
Phone: 91-22-2576-7309
Fax: 91-22-2576-7302

Huron River, Ann Arbor, May '03

About | Research Interests | Research Projects | Publications | Teaching | SSRR | Academic Background | More


I am currently a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay. After completing my Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 2003, I joined IIT Bombay, where I have held various academic positions. My research interests are primarily in the application of probabilistic methodologies in earthquake risk reduction. I have supervised/am supervising several doctoral and masters research students working in the areas of performance-based seismic design, structural reliability, design of structural and cold-formed steel, analysis of masonry domes and arches, etc. Besides academic and sponsored research, I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in structural engineering and probabilistic methods. I have conducted industrial research/consultancy works in the areas related to structural dynamics, structural reliability, design of steel and RC structures, and retrofitting of structures. I am a member of the Bureau of Indian Standards' committee CED 7 on steel structures.
For the academic year 2014-15, I was on sabbatical as a guest professor in the Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering in IBK, D-BAUG, ETH Zurich.
Currently, I am the Professor-in-Charge of the 'Structural Safety, Risk and Reliability (SSRR) Lab'.

Research Areas of Interest

Following are some keywords linked to my areas of research:

Sponsored Research Projects

Ongoing and previous sponsored research projects for which I am/was the principal investigator:

Research Publications

Book chapters
Journal papers
Conference papers


At IIT Bombay

At ETH Zürich

At University of Michigan

Structural Safety, Risk & Reliability (SSRR) Lab

Academic Background
