Guidelines for Full Length Paper

  1. Full paper submissions are invited on areas covered in the described themes.
  2. The word template for paper submission can be found at this link.
  3. The paper can be submitted at the given link: Paper submissions are now closed.
  4. The full paper length in the prescribed format should not exceed 15 pages. There are no restrictions on the tables and figures. However, the figures should be clearly visible (at least 300 dpi).
  5. Authors are requested to adhere to the given format for font size, line spacing, indentation, and table design.
  6. The following order should be maintained in the full paper: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract (150-250 words), Keywords, Main text (including figures and tables), Acknowledgements, author contributions, References, and Appendix (If necessary).
  7. All text should be in Times New Roman font. The main text should be 10 points in size with single-line spacing.
  8. The title of the paper should be in Bold 14-point size.
  9. The section headings should be in bold and 10 points. Section headings should be left justified, with the first letter capitalized and numbered consecutively, starting with the Introduction. Example: 1.0 Introduction
  10. Sub-section headings should be left justified bold, with the first letter capitalized, and it should be numbered Example: 1.1, 1.2, etc.
  11. All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Captions should be placed above tables, left justified, and 9 points. Leave one line space between the heading and the table. The text inside the table should be 9 points.
  12. All figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals. All photographs, schemas, graphs, and diagrams are to be referred to as Figures. The Figure number and caption should be typed below the Figures in 9 points and left justified.
  13. Equations and formulae should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right-hand side of the page (if referred to explicitly in the text). They should also be separated from the surrounding text by one space.
  14. For citations of references, we prefer the use of square brackets and consecutive numbers. Citations using labels or the author/year convention are also acceptable.