

Dr. V. Jothiprakash


Department of Civil Engineering,

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,

Powai, Mumbai - 400 076



Education & Research Areas of Interest

Research Publications:

Monograms/Edited Books/Reports/Manuals

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

International Conference Papers

National Conference Papers

Software Developed


Professional Experience

1. KRIF- Software for Koyna Reservoir Inflow Forecasting

Honors and Awards

2. ACAS-AGNI: Software for water resources allocation in Agniar River Basin

Sponsored Research and Development Projects

3. ResSim: Simulation of Kodayar river basin Reservoir operation

Sponsored Industrial Consultancy Projects

Academic Guidance

Doctoral Scholars (Ph.D)

Post Graduate Students (M.Tech)

Under Graduate Students (B.Tech)

Internship Students

4. ReInPAI: Reservoir Inflow Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence

Participation and Scientific and Professional Societies


Professional Activities

Patents Awarded


Extension/Outreach Activities (STTP/Conf Organized)

1. A System for Cleaning Blockages in Sewers (Patent Awarded) Indian Patent No. 445985

STTP/Workshop/Conferences Attended


2. A System for Removing Floating Debris in an Open Water Channel Indian Patent Number 508448

Photo Gallery/Press Cuttings


3. A System for Removing Floating Debris in an Open Water Channel South African Patent NumberNumber 2021/02147


Invited Talks Delivered

4. Poisonous Gas Detection and Alarming Device Indian Patent Number 539174


Personal Information

Other Countries Visited

Contact: Dean(R&D), IRCC, IIT Bombay for licensing

Contact Me




Last update 25th Jul. 2024