Prof. Deepankar Choudhury, FNAE, FNASc, FASc, F.ASCE

Prof. T. Kant Chair Professor (HAG)
25767335 / 9969274031
Research Areas :

Geotechnical Engineering; Earthquake Engineering; Foundation Engineering; Computational Geomechanics; Soil Dynamics; Soil-Structure Interaction; Disaster Management; Railway Geotechnics; Liquefaction; Seismic Hazard; Tsunami; Retaining Wall; Combined Pile-Raft Foundation etc.

Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan

Assistant Professor in Construction Technology And Management

Concrete Technology (UG). Concrete Technology (UG).
Building Materials and Construction (UG). Building Materials and Construction (UG).
Estimation and Materials Testing Lab. (UG). Estimation and Materials Testing Lab. (UG).
Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures (PG). Materials and Structures Lab. (UG).
Construction Materials (PG). Solid Mechanics Lab. (UG).
Construction Materials Lab. (PG). Engineering Mechanics (UG).
Advanced Concrete Technology (PG). Advanced Concrete Technology (PG).

Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan

Assistant Professor in Construction Technology And Management

Research Projects :
  • * Performance evaluation of cement plaster using fly as based lightweight fine aggregates. - Zaak Technologies GmbH, Germany.
  • * Assessement of fresh and hardened plaster properties - Precise Conchem. Pvt Ltd., India.
  • * A pilot project on usage of recycled concrete aggregates in building products. - IIT Bombay, India.
  • * Rheological Investigations on Pumpable concretes - IIT Bombay, India.
  • * Experimental Investigations on the influence of particle packing of powders on the properties of cementitious paste. - Ambuja Cements Limited, India.
  • * Potential use of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) as supplementary cementitious materials in concrete. - JSW Cement Limited, India.
  • * Experimental Investigations on the rheological properties of limestone calcined clay cement paste and concrete. - SDC, Swtizerland (through EPFL).
  • * Design and Development of ultra high performance concrete. - R&DE (E), India (Approved).

Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan

Assistant Professor in Construction Technology And Management

Journal Papers :
  • * Athira Gopinath, Abdhul Bahurudeen, Srinivas Appari and Prakash Nanthagopalan, A circular framework for the valorisation of sugar industry wastes: Review on the industrial symbiosis between sugar, construction and energy industries, Journal of Cleaner Production (In Press) doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.252.
  • * Amit Kumar Das, Ashwani Kumar Gupta and Prakash Nanthagopalan (2018), Design of propping schemes of sixty story building: Case study, Structures and Buildings, Proceedings of ICE, Vol. 171(5), 409-424.
  • * B.S. Dhanya, Manu Santhanam, Vijay Kulkarni, Prakash Nanthagopalan, Shashank Bishnoi, S.P. Singh, G. Indu Siva Ranjani, P. Dinakar, and S. Bhaskar, (2017) Round robin testing of durability parameters – Towards identification of suitable durability tests for concrete, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 91 (7), 11-22.
  • * Hemanth Kumar Balaga and Prakash Nanthagopalan, (2016) Studies on strength and weight loss of paper concrete, Engineering Sustainability, Proceedings of ICE, Vol. 169 (1), 39-44.
  • * Palash Badjatya, Radhika Bhadada, Manish Keshri and Prakash Nanthagopalan, (2015) Usage of textile dye waste water in concrete, Construction Materials, Proceedings of ICE, Vol. 168 (2), 49-52.
  • * Pratik Deogetar, Ashwini Jain, Sudhanshu Mishra and Prakash Nanthagopalan (2013) Influence of steam curing cycle on compressive strength of concrete, International Journal of construction materials and structures, Vol. 1, No. 2, 18-28.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu Santhanam. (2012) An empirical approach for the optimisation of aggregate combinations for self-compacting concrete, Materials and Structures, Vol. 45, No. 8, 1167-1179.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu Santhanam (2011) Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete produced with Manufactured sand, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 33, No.3, 353-358.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu Santhanam (2010) A new empirical test method for the optimisation of viscosity modifying agent dosage in self-compacting concrete, Materials and Structures, Vol. 43, No. 1-2, 203 - 212.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu Santhanam (2009) Experimental investigations on the influence of paste composition and content on the properties of self-compacting concrete, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 23, No. 11, 3443 – 3449.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan, Michael Haist, Manu Santhanam and Harald S. Muller (2008) Investigations on the influence of granular packing on the flow properties of cementitious suspensions, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 30, No. 9, 763 - 768.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu Santhanam (2008) A new approach to optimisation of paste composition in self-compacting concrete, The Indian Concrete Journal, vol. 82, 11 - 18.
Conference Papers :
  • * Abhilash Shukla, S. Gurusideswar, Krishna Jonnalagadda and Prakash Nanthagopalan, High strain rate behavior of micro-steel fiber reinforced concrete under tensile and compressive loading. Proceedings of the International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (ICCMS) 2017, India, 2017.
  • * Mahipal Kasaniya and Prakash Nanthagopalan, Fresh and Hardened Properties of Alkali-Activated Mortar with Class F-Fly Ash & GGBS Combinations. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Construction Materials and Systems (RILEM PRO 118), India, 2017, Vol.III, 29-37.
  • * Sendhil Vigneshwar Dhanapal and Prakash Nanthagopalan, Fresh properties of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) pastes, Proceedings of first International conference on calcined clays for sustainable concrete, Springer, RILEM Book Series, Switzerland, 2015.
  • * Dhawal Desai and Prakash Nanthagopalan, Potential Use of Industrial By-Products for Developing High Strength Concrete Under Normal Curing Conditions, Proceedings of the International Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Conference (Springer), Malaysia, 2013, 215 - 224.
  • * Narsingh Rammilan Varma, R. S. Jangid and Prakash Nanthagopalan, Rehabilitation and strengthening of distressed columns - A case study, Proceedings of Rehabilitation and restoration of structures, India, 2013, 271 - 280.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu Santhanam. A simple and systematic mixture design procedure for self-compacting concrete, 6th International RILEM Symposium on Design, Production and Placement of SCC, Canada, 2010, Vol. II, 55 - 63.
  • * Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu Santhanam. A study of the interaction between Viscosity Modifying Agent and High Range Water Reducer in Self-Compacting Concrete, Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties, Greece, 2006, 449 - 454.

Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan

Assistant Professor in Construction Technology And Management

Awards :
  • * “Young Faculty Award” (2011) at IIT Bombay.
  • * “Excellence in Teaching Award” (2014) at IIT Bombay.

Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan

Assistant Professor in Construction Technology And Management

Seminars/Workshop/Conferences Organised :
  • * One day workshop on “Rheology and Rheometer for concrete” held on April 10, 2013 at IIT Bombay.
  • * Two Day Workshop on “Structural rehabilitation and retrofitting using construction chemicals”, held during 24-25th September, 2013 at IIT Bombay.
  • * One day workshop on “Achieving Durable Concrete Construction Through Performance Testing”, held during Feb 1, 2014 at IIT Bombay.
  • * One day Seminar on “Limestone calcined clay cement”, held during July 29, 2014 at IIT Bombay.
  • * One day Workshop on “Adding Sustainability to Engineering Courses” held during January 16, 2015.
  • * One day workshop on Modern Construction Chemicals & Systems for Construction Industry”, held during March 20th, 2015 at IIT Bombay.
  • * Seminar on Fibre Reinforced Concrete - The Indian Context held during 10th February 2015 at IIT Bombay.
  • * Sixth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, held during June 27 – July 1, 2016 at IIT Bombay.
Invited Talk :
  • * Mixture design for pavement quality concrete, Refresher cum orientation course on road works for BMC Engineers, 2011,2015,2016 at IIT Bombay, India.
  • *Sustainable development from efficient utilisation of resource, World Environment Day, June 2012, L&T, Mumbai.
  • * Design of Cementitious paste and Concrete – A conceptual approach, KSR College of Engineering, Trichengodu, Tamil Nadu, March 2013.
  • * Sustainable development in Construction – The way forward, NSN college of Engineering and Technology, Karur, Tamil Nadu, March 2013.
  • * Rheology and Particle Packing – Tools for Mixture Design of Self-Compacting Concrete, Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology, Anand, Gujarat, October 2013.
  • * High-Performance Concrete, IIT Indore, September 2014.
  • * Conceptual Approach for Mixture Design of Self-Compacting Concrete, SVNIT, Surat, October 2014.
  • * Mixture Design for Pavement Quality Concrete, IIT Bombay, February 2015.
  • * Self-Compacting Concrete, Nirma University, November 2015.
  • * Valorisation of Industrial and agricultural by-products in cement concrete, Global Business Forum, Goa, 2015.
  • * Sustainable Construction Materials, ENTHUSA, IIT Bombay, 2016.
  • * Construction Materials Research, World Business Council fo Sustainable Development, IIT Bombay, 2016.
  • * Keynote Lecture - Particle packing, Jaipur National University, 2016.
  • * Mixture Design of Self-Compacting Concrete, NIT Suratkal, 2017.

Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan

Assistant Professor in Construction Technology And Management

Institute Level :
  • * Member, Facility Management Committee of 4D X-Ray Microscopy (2015 onwards).
  • * Member, Nano Facility Committee (2016 Onwards).
  • One day workshop on “Achieving Durable Concrete Construction Through Performance Testing”, held during Feb 1, 2014 at IIT Bombay.
  • * Member, Technical Advisory Committee (2015 onwards).
Department Level :
  • * Member, DST - FIST (2013-2018).
  • * Member, Department Policy Committee (2014-2016, 2016 onwards).
  • * Member Secretary, Department Undergraduate Committee (2014-2016).
  • * Member, Department Postgraduate Committee (2016 onwards).
  • * Member, Department Computer and Communication Committee (2016 onwards).
  • * Member, Department Website Committee (2016 onwards).
  • * Member, Department Alumni Award Nomination Committee (2014 Onwards).
  • * Member, Department Task force (2014).
  • * Member, Department Curriculum Review Committee (2016).
  • * Member, Department Review Committee (2013).
  • * Member, M.Tech and Ph.D admission committee (2013 Onwards).
  • * Member, Public Relations Committee (2018 onwards).
  • * Professor In-Charge Library (2012-2015).
  • * Professor In-charge SEMT lab. (2014 - 2016).
  • * Prof. In-charge, Department Materials Characterisation Facility (2016 onwards).
  • * Faculty Advisor - 2016 M. Tech.
  • * Faculty Advisor - (2012-2016) B.Tech.